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Work-Life Balance? Yeah Right! 3 WAys to Embrace Inconsistency.

I am definitely a little compulsive with some things, and as a professional resume writer it actually comes in handy to streamline the writing and editing process. To give you an example, as a child I would literally have heart palpitations if someone wrote on my book covers. Remember spending hours covering your books in paper bags? Yeah, well I liked mine as is! 

It is just an example of how I’m wired, and as I’ve gotten older I realize that there needs to be a little more room (well, maybe a lot) for the inconsistency and unpredictability that life constantly throws your way. Before I had children, I basically followed the same routine every day. Other than a workout, which occurred four times a week, there wasn’t much variation in my life. And boy was it a beautiful thing.

Enter two children…and enter chaos. Now, my career is centered around helping my clients find their passion and land their dream job. However, because I am now 100% client and people centered, my days are totally unpredictable. I’ve learned a lot through this process, about myself, about customer service, and about life in general. Here’s my top three takeaways. I try to remind myself of these things when I’m ready to rip my hair out 🙂

1. Generally, people are kind and helpful – some just need different things than others. Every phone call I get is a new can of worms. It’s been absolutely fascinating figuring out intuitively, and with significant repercussions, how to deal with a broad range of personality types. What I have come to appreciate is that there are a few nuts that you just can’t crack, but for the most part with a little patience and sensitivity you can connect with just about anyone.

2. Whatever it is, it’s just not that serious. It’s so easy when you are caught up in the daily grind to forget to just breathe. Taking time out to reflect, contemplate, and even meditate if that’s something you’re into can give you the kind of perspective and serenity you need to solve a problem or finish a big project. If you do the right things and act with integrity, things have a way of working themselves out.

3. Scheduling time for yourself isn’t selfish. This has probably been the single most difficult thing I’ve had to learn about being an entrepreneur. While you can certainly accomplish more when you work constantly and don’t take any time out for yourself, you’ll most likely end up unhappy, unhealthy, out of shape and quite possibly, very lonely. I notice a dramatic difference in my parenting, my marriage and my general well-being when I literally schedule my workouts and personal errands into my calendar.