personal branding

personal branding

Targeting Your Resume for Different Jobs

Do I Really Need to Target My Resume for Each Job? Almost every client I work with has some nuances to their search. Really, aren’t we all a little...

personal branding

A Practical Guide to LinkedIn Skills

Optimizing Your Skills Section on LinkedIn According to LinkedIn, maintaining a relevant list of role-specific skills on your profile helps others...

personal branding

Why Should I Hire a Professional Resume Writer

Often I get inquiries from my clients or prospective clients about resume editing. It starts like this…I already have a resume, and was wondering how...

personal branding

5 LinkedIn Strategies To Utilize Today

LinkedIn is the most powerful networking tool available to jobseekers in today’s market. It is not a Facebook for professional people. It is an...

personal branding

Should You Negotiate a Job Offer?

This is a question I receive often, and the simple answer is YES! A job offer is exactly that…an offer. Like any other offer, including those you...

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