Rebecca Henninger Career Services Blog

personal branding

A Practical Guide to LinkedIn Skills

Optimizing Your Skills Section on LinkedIn According to LinkedIn, maintaining a relevant list of role-specific skills on your profile helps others...

How to Choose an Executive Resume Writer

As an accomplished executive with extensive experience and a proven track record delivering results, you need an executive resume writer who can...

personal branding

Why Should I Hire a Professional Resume Writer

Often I get inquiries from my clients or prospective clients about resume editing. It starts like this…I already have a resume, and was wondering how...

Cover Letter

3 Types of Cover Letters You Need Today

First of all, let’s put it the “cover letter” question to bed. Yes, you need one. No, not everyone reads them. Yes, they are important. There are so...

personal branding

5 LinkedIn Strategies To Utilize Today

LinkedIn is the most powerful networking tool available to jobseekers in today’s market. It is not a Facebook for professional people. It is an...

Career Advice

Four Don’ts of Resume Writing

I’m usually a glass half-full kind of gal and always like to lead with the positive, but as a professional resume writer I definitely see my fair...

executive resume

Executive Resume Writing Service

With more and more people wanting to land their dream jobs, they’re going the extra mile to ensure they stand out from other applicants. So, what’s...

Cover Letter

4 Tips to Spice Up Your Cover Letter

Cover letters aren’t just there to serve as a cover page for your resume. While the debate rages on over their importance, the fact remains that they...

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Resume & Job Search Tips

Actionable advice and practical tips to help you land faster, amplify impact, and work with purpose.