Be who you want your kids to be.
I know, odd concept for a resume writing and career services blog, but I read the most amazing and “makes you go hmmm” quote yesterday. On Facebook…of course. Your kids will become who you are, so be who you want them to be.
If you’re a parent of young kids, you understand how powerful this statement is – especially if you are a parent of a strong willed toddler. It can be pretty challenging, if not impossible to remember that you’re teaching them how to deal with stress, anger, and disappointment by responding calmly to their meltdowns in the middle of Target.
What does this have to do with your career? A lot actually. It’s the same theory – I call it the act as if theory. Want to be promoted? Act as if you already have the job you want. Take on more responsibility. Be as decisive as possible within the confines of your role. Try to get inside your boss’s head and think like they do. Understand how they got there, what you have left to learn, and start training yourself for the job.