Career Advice

Changing the World? Start With Yourself.

For whatever reason, I woke up feeling more inspired than usual today. Maybe it’s the fact that my neighborhood finally sprayed for mosquitos and I can walk outside without being attacked. Maybe it’s that my kids slept past 6 AM? Either way, it’s such a great reminder that those moments of self-doubt are really just […]

For whatever reason, I woke up feeling more inspired than usual today. Maybe it’s the fact that my neighborhood finally sprayed for mosquitos and I can walk outside without being attacked. Maybe it’s that my kids slept past 6 AM? Either way, it’s such a great reminder that those moments of self-doubt are really just that…moments. 

I try to keep a running list of the things I want to accomplish today, next week, by the time I kick the bucket, etc. More importantly, though…I maintain a mental inventory as well as a physical representation of what I have already done. When I have those moments  of OMG, how can I possibly climb this new hurdle, fold the umpteenth load of towels, or complete all the work that’s on my to-do list for today, I remind myself that I’ve done a heck of a lot!

More than just patting yourself on the back and lifting yourself up when you’re down, this list serves as a constant pool of resume ammo. It’s way too easy to leave something out, because if you’re like most of us, you’re not super self-promotional. Plus, you’re BUSY and literally don’t have the time to sit down and extol your own achievements over the last 10 years.

And, hey…you too just might be crazy enough to make a real difference 🙂

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