Keep an “atta girl” file

Writing a resume is an incredibly stressful task that can be made simpler with the hiring of a professional resume writing service. If you do choose to write your own resume, a little preparation ahead of time can help make the process easier. Everyone knows that the toughest part of writing your resume is figuring […]

Writing a resume is an incredibly stressful task that can be made simpler with the hiring of a professional resume writing service. If you do choose to write your own resume, a little preparation ahead of time can help make the process easier.

Everyone knows that the toughest part of writing your resume is figuring out your accomplishments. As silly as it sounds, most people really have trouble wrapping their heads around times they’ve excelled or gone above and beyond. Keeping an “atta girl” or “atta boy” file can really help out when it’s time to write your resume. 

It’s really simple! Create a file in your documents and in your email program where you file away compliments and other “atta girls”. This file is a great place to stash a copy of any project you did really well, compliments or thank you’s from coworkers, supervisors and customers and even your performance evaluations.

By keeping everything in one place, you’ll set yourself up for smooth sailing when it comes time to write or update your resume. Don’t forget to update your resume at least once a year, even if you’re happy with your job. You never want to be caught without an updated resume when that fabulous opportunity rolls around out-of-the-blue or if you’re the victim on an unexpected layoff.

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