personal branding

How The Resume Writing Industry Has Changed – And What You Need To Know About It

The resume is not going away. This much we know, although for a few years that very thought was a topic of discussion. What is happening is that the resume has become just one component of your search. Albeit a very important one – but in no means will your search be uplifted and transformed […]

resume writingThe resume is not going away. This much we know, although for a few years that very thought was a topic of discussion.

What is happening is that the resume has become just one component of your search. Albeit a very important one – but in no means will your search be uplifted and transformed by addressing the resume only.

My current resume practice has shifted as well. Clients need a great resume but the heavy and overstocked resumes of 2010 are dead. Hiring managers are reading for only a few seconds – recruiters are giving your resume a 6-second scan. You had better make sure that you grab their attention!

So what do you need to know today? Here’s the deal:

1) Do keep paragraphs less than 3 lines and bullets less than 2. If necessary, add supporting detail in a secondary bullet.

2) Do organize information using keywords or subheaders.

3) Do keep your resume achievement oriented. Even if you spent a lot of time answering phones for your boss, that’s not going to get you the interview. Focus instead on the new filing system you implemented. 

4) Do frontload the achievements and results delivered in the beginning of the bullet – Delivered a 40% productivity improvement by implementing streamlined processes and procedures. Recruiters read down the left side of the page. Leverage this by strategically placing info you want read first.

5) Do get a second and third eye on your resumes. Have them read for content and accuracy. Take their advice with a grain of salt,  if they do not actively hire.

6) Do hire a professional if you are overwhelmed.  I not only provide writing support to my clients, but also moral support and confidence-boosting insight. 

7) Don’t expect to find a job simply by applying online. An average open posting receives 250 applications. Even great resumes get lost in the clutter.

8) Don’t rely on only the people you know. While the age-old adage remains true, you don’t know everyone so you need to expand “who you know”. The best way to do this? Cold networking. Put on your big girl / big boy pants and start reaching out to people that can actually help you get your foot in the door.

9) Don’t fixate on your resume. Yes — make changes if needed to meet the job posting, but no need to rewrite it every time. 

Reach out today to learn more about my tactical job search coaching and resume creation services. Book a 15-min call today to find out how I can help!

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